The Five Fundamental Pillars of Islam - Islamopedia
There are five pillars of Islam considered to be the fundamental pillars of faith or foundation of Islam on which whole the Islamic religion based on. Prophet Muhammad SAWW describe the five pillar of Islam as Shahadah, Salah, Sawm, Zakat and Hajj in His SAWW various authentic hadiths.
Some of the hadith narrated also mention Jihad as one of the Pillars of Islam as Quran also emphasizes on Jihad which is to fight against none believers to dominate the Islamic flag on earth. However, many of the scholars and Islamic jurists do not believe to be Jihad as one of the pillars of Islam, but just one of the obligations of Muslims.
The five pillars of Islam according to authentic traditions narrated from Prophet and the final Messenger of Allah SWT (God) includes, Shahadah, Salah, Zakat, Sawm, and the Hajj. Here Shahadah is an act of witnessing the ones of Allah and expressing the belief that Muhammad SAWW is final Messenger and the Prophet of Allah, or declaration of faith.
Where, Salah is a prayer Muslims are to perform at least five defined times a day in a defined manner. Zakah is a form of charity, rich Muslims are to give 2.5 percent of specific proportion on net wealth for poor or needy.
And Sawm is fasting, Muslim fast during whole month of Ramadan in a specific manner, from sehri to iftar Muslims are not allowed to eat, drink or have sex with spouses and a like. And hajj as a fifth pillar of Islam is a journey of pilgrimage to Mecca in which Muslims are to perform a set of rituals step by step once in their life.
These are the five pillars of Islam, if you have any additional information, please share in comment box. For more information about the five pillars of Islam, Click Here.
Last Updated: 21/7/2015