Tawaf Qudum a Complete Guide (ṬawÄf al-QudÅ«m)
Tawaf of Qudum, in Arabic pronounced as ṬawÄf al-QudÅ«m literally means the arrival, is a kind of Tawaf which is performed by the people who do not belong to, or coming from the Mecca City i.e. the residents of Mecca City (The Holy City).
Before starting Tawaf of Qudum, it is necessary to start tawaf from the back stone called hajr-e-Aswad. This is by going straight to the black stone when interring Masjid al Haram while approaching Kaba and facing it make takbir i.e. Allah hu Akbar! Can say Bismillah before is as it is recommended authentically reported by Ibn e Umr, however, not from the Prophet Muhammad SAAW.
You can start with touching the black stone and then by kissing it. However, if there seem difficult to kiss or even touch it due to any practical reason, you can make a sign towards it with his hand only. You can kiss it, touches it with your hand then kisses your hand, or just make a sign towards it with your hand with respect to your ability and availability of stone in every circle you start, as Rasool Allah SAAW says,
“O `Umar, you are a strong man, so do not harm the weak, and when you wish to touch it, then when it became free then touch it, and if not then face it and say takbir.â€
So it is not good even to make kiss by disturbing others, do as easy is for you and for others. However, touching the black stone is a great reward as Rasool Allah says,
“Allah will raise up the Stone on the Day of Judgement, and will have two eyes with which it will see, and a tongue which it talks with, and it will give witness in favor of everyone who touched it in truth.â€
And in another narration Rasool Allah says,
“Touching the Black Stone and the Yemeni corner removes sins.â€
“The Black Stone is from Paradise, and it used to be whiter that snow, but the sins of the idolaters turned it black.â€
The circulation around the Kaba, i.e. Tawaf of Qudum must be from your left hand and all the seven circles must be offered anti-clock wise. Every circle must start and end from and at back stone. Moreover, from the Stone to the Stone being one must wearing the ihram under his right armpit and over the left is necessary.
The first three circles of tawaf should be performed with fast walking with boldness by your left shoulder toward the Kaba. However, the remaining circles of Tawal should be performed with relax walking i.e. slowly and walks normally in the rest from stone to stone.
As for Yemeni corner, you can touch with every time in circle to could be able to approach it with you hand, however, if you are not able to touch it then he should not even make any sign towards it with your hand at all. Remember not to kiss it in any case while offering Tawaf of Qudum.
And you should recite between every corner,
“Rabbana atina fid-dunya hasanatan wa fil akhirati hasanatan wa qina ‘adhaban nar!â€
“O Allah gives us good in this life, and good in the Hereafter and save us from the Punishment of the Fire.â€
The final advice for you regarding Tawaf of Qudum is, never touch the two shaami corners at all, as the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAAW.
You can ask any question regarding Tawaf of Qudum, as it would be honor for us to answer you!
Please explain as for how many round the ihram should remain under the right arm pit, 3 or 7? An immediate reply shall be of great help as I am going to umrah tomorrow morning.
ReplyI am leaving for umrah from Al-Jubail, KSA