Tawaf al Ifadah During Hajj
One of the kinds of Tawafs performed during hajj is Tawaf Ifadah, which is resulting by pilgrim’s re-visit to the Masjid al-Haram, the mosque in Mecca for another tawaf, to walk around the Kaaba.
Tawaf al Ifadah or Tawaf ul Ifadah is performed by pilgrim (Haji) after one frees from doing different rituals of hajj such as slaughtering the animal, the sacrifice, and after shaving or shortening the hairs of head.
Tawaf Ifadah is obligatory part amongst the rituals of hajj which symbolizes being in a hurry to respond to God and show love for Him. Tawaf Ifadah is performed same as you perform tawaf of arrival during the hajj. However, the only difference is you are not bound to wear or assume Ihram during Tawaf Ifadah of hajj at right shoulder nor you are to perform ramal in this Tawaf.
Also, it is from the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAAW to pray two rak'ahs behind the Station of Ibrahim (Maqam-al-Ibrahim), as Az-Zuhri said, and Ibn ‘Umar did so, and said,
“For every seven times around there are two rak'ahs.â€
And then the pilgrim or haji has to do walk between safa & marwa, during their hajj, after both of them, the Tawaf Ifadah and the sayi between safa and marwah, everything becomes lawful on pilgrim (Haji) even sexual relationships with spouses as before the hajj.
So finally, you are to pray your dhurh and it would be better if your pray at the station of Ibrahim, (Maqam-e-Ibrahim) and drink water of zamzam as Ibn e Umr said that Zuhr must be prayed in Mina while performing final rituals of hajj.
However, one point must not be forgotten, that Pilgrim cannot eat or drink anything while performing Tawaf al Ifadah except water, and better to drink water of zamzam.
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when should i perform the tawaf al ifada? could i do it after stoning the three jamarat in 3 days completing the 49 stones.