Offering Sa'i Between Safa and Marwah
Safa and Marwah are two mountain between where Muslim walk seven times to remind themselves when son of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S i.e. the Prophet of Allah Hazrat Ismael A.S was thirsty and her mother was running between these two mountains in search of water.
Sa'i between Safa and Marwah is one of fundamental rituals of Hajj performed by Muslims during both, Hajj and Umrah. You have to perform Sa’i between these two small hill hills called Safa and Marwah. The distance between these two hills is about one Kilometer, and you have to walk this one KM seven times.
Starting your Sa’i from Safa mountain, when your feet would reach Safa, you have to recite the verse of Quran where Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala says, “Innas-safa wal marwata min sha'a'irillahi faman hajjal baita ‘awi`tamara fala janaha ‘alaihi an yattawwafa bihima wa man tatawwa'a khiran fa'innallaha shakirun ‘alimun”
Behold! Safa and Marwah are among the Symbols of Allah. So if those who visit the House in the Season or at other times should compass them round, it is no sin in them, and if any one obeys his own impulse to good, be sure that Allah is He Who recognizes and knows
[Holy Quran 2:158]
And then recite, read or say, Nabda'u bima bada'allahu bihi
We begin with what Allah began with
By starting your Sa’i from Safa, remember to climb the mountain as if you would be able to see the Kaba, turning the face toward Kaba, say tauheed, takbeer and read three times, Allahu akbar allahu akbar allahu akbar - laa illaha illallahu wahdahu laa sharikalahu - lahul mul ku wa lahul hamdu - yuhiu wa yumitu wa huwa ‘ala kulli shai'in qadeer - laa ilaha illallahu wahdahu laa shareekalahu - anjaza wa'dahu wa nasara ‘ abdahu wa hazamal ahzaba wahdahu.
Also remember to do Duaa each time you recite or read aforementioned lines. And stat Sa’i between Safa wal Marwah seven times to fulfill the saying of the Prophet Muhammad SAAW as,
Make sa'i as Allah has prescribed sa'i for you
So walk until you reach where you see the green sign-post, on the right and left between the mountains of Safa and Marwa, suddenly then start running fast unless you reach the next sign-post between Safa and Marwah.
When you reach Marwah Mountains that means you have completed one circuit out of seven. Repeat the same as above now from Marwah to Safa to complete second circuit, and carry on from Safa to Marwah and from Marwah to Safa until seven circuit completes, remembering and taking care to maintain the recitations, walks, running and Duas to offer in each circuit, unless you reach seventh and final circuit finishing at Marwah.
It is allowed to fulfill these distance i.e. Sa’i by riding, however, it is highly recommended to one do to depend on riding and complete these circuits on one’s own as Rasool Allah SAAW did.
Now after finishing the Sa’i, offer the ritual related to hair cut in accordance with male and female. Those who would not able to bring sacrificial animal with them, Now everything which was forbidden to do due to the state of Ihram, is become permissible on them i.e. you would not be remained in the state of Ihram anymore till Yawm at-Tarwiyah (8th Dhul-Hijjah).
Other than aforementioned, will remain in the state to Ihram until they reach Yawm an-Nahr i.e. 10th of Zull-Hijjah, when the stoning on Shaitan is performed along with animal sacrificial
When i reach Marwah, do i have to read again “Innas-safa wal marwata min sha'a'irillahi faman hajjal baita ‘awi`tamara fala janaha ‘alaihi an yattawwafa bihima wa man tatawwa'a khiran fa'innallaha shakirun ‘alimun�