Morning of Remembrance of Allah
by Editorial Staff (June 28, 03:11 AM)
It is recommended to say dua in morning as tasbih after offering Fajr prayer and before sun rise hundred time as narrated in Bukhari No# 6405; Muslim No# 2692 , At-Tirmidhi No# 3469 and Ibn Majah No# 3812 that one should say according to the saying of The Messenger of Allah said: whoever says in the morning and the evening :
Transliteration: Subḥaan-allaahi wa biḥamdihi
Translation: "How far from imperfections Allah is and I praise Him." (One Hundred Times)
None will come on the Day of Judgment with something better, except for someone who said the same. And in another narration Rasool Allah SAAW said, His/her sins will be forgiven, even if they were like the foam of the sea.