Destination to Mecca
If you are to land in Mecca first for Hajj, before going to have a journey to Medina, you are expected to perform Umrah and hajj both.
This is different from if your destination is Medina as we have previously discussed. Before you start travel, you will need to have a pair of Ihram with yourself. What you need to do is…
Before boarding on your flight to Jeddah, or at the last stop of your trip like airport, you have to assume Ihram to put on. However, it is very difficult to assume or put on Ihram at airplane due to lack of facility to control the rush so do not try it there.
So you are to assume Ihram before you land in Jeddah, because Jeddah is far from Miqat area. If you don’t have assumed Ihram yet and you are in airplane going to Jeddah, make the intention (Niyyah) to say Talbiyah when you hear the announcement that airplane is flying on Meeqat place, which is approximately announced 30 to 45 minutes before landing to Jeddah airport.
That is regarding what the pilgrims have to do if their destination is Mecca in the Pilgrimage to Mecca. Learn more about how to perform Hajj and how to perform Umrah from our hajj guide section.
We are also providing complete hajj guide from selecting trustworthy and best hajj travelers for Hajj and Umrah, Staying and traveling in Mecca and Medina, expenses, complete guide on how to perform hajj and Umrah to the latest hajj and Umrah packages 2014, hajj packages 2015, hajj packages for Muslims living inside and outside Pakistan and till coming years.