Islamic Beliefs and Practices - Pillars of Islamic Articles Of Faith
Islamic Beliefs and Practices - Beliefs and Practices have undividable relationship in Islam. There are six pillars of faith in Islamic beliefs namely belief in Allah SWT, His angels, His books to mankind, His Prophets and Messengers, the Day of Judgment or resurrection, and the destiny or fate.
Islam is comprised of two basic elements namely beliefs and practices or actions. Believes of those to whom Muslim is required to have faith on it with conviction. They’re to be believed in but one cannot act upon it. For example Islam believes that there exist angles, so one can only believe in it and cannot act upon it.
And the second element of Islam is on which Muslims are required to act upon, these are often call Islamic practices i.e. Ahkam-Ashariyah. One is not required to just believe in it but they deemed to be act upon. For example Islam orders to establish Salaah, so one cannot carry mare believe that Islam obligates to establish Salaah, where, he/she has to establish it and deem to act upon it.
As for the relationship of Islamic beliefs and practices, so it cannot be just ignored. Every action that Muslim act upon must be based on Islamic beliefs or aqeedah. If one do not believe that there is no God but Allah, surely he will not follow the Quran in his actions, and if one do not believe in that Prophet Muhammad SAWW is messenger of Allah, he will not follow the sunnah of the Prophet in his action.
Same applies to remaining fundamental six pillars of faith namely belief in Allah’s angels, His books to mankind, the Day of Judgment or resurrection, and the destiny or fate. If one has no conviction of there will be a day of judgment where we’ll be answerable to our deeds here in dunya, he will obviously not care about to treat others in good way. Thus, same applies to other pillars of eman as well.
So O you who believe, care about your faith and believes and be consistent in your actions so that Allah can verify you as Muslim.
Last Updated: 21/7/2015