Ruling of Ihram in Islam

Hajj Guide by Editorial Staff (May 28, 06:09 AM)


In the State of Ihram

Most of the Muslims have misconception about Ihram that type of special wearing on specific eve of Hajj. Where Ihram in Islam does not that confined meanings.

The literal meaning of Ihram is to make haraam (forbidden) i.e. not allowed. Where in Sharia term it is a state when entered into at the Miqat in which certain acts and types of clothing are forbidden. And the one who is in the state of Ihram called Muhrim.

Before getting into the state of Ihram, specially before wearing the Ihram clothes, it is permissible (Mustahib/Mandoob) to take Ghusl (A type of Sharai bath) in any condition such as whether in the state of period or in after-birth confinement (For Women).

Men are not allowed to wear hat or an imamah or anything that covers head. Whereas, for women, she cannot disclose or remove anything of the clothes that are prescribed for her in the Shari'ah except her face. It is not allowed for her to cover her face i.e. take niqab (face-veil). Even any kind of face hiding thing such as burqa, the litham (lower face cover, up to the eyes) or handkerchief that covers hands also i.e. she is not allowed to wear gloves even. Thus she cannot hide her face and hand in any case in the state of Ihram.

As the Prophet Muhammad SAAW says reported as,

“The muhrim (who is in the state of Ihram) should not wear the shirt, or the ‘imamah, or the hooded cloak, or trousers, or garment touched by wars (dyes with saffron) or saffron; or leather socks - unless he cannot find sandals) then in that case he may wear leather socks)”

In another hadith Rasool Allah says regarding women,

“The woman muhrim should not affix a face veil and should not wear gloves”

However, there exists difference of opinion amongst Scholars of Islam regarding face covering of women during Ihram. As many of the scholars like Ibn Taymiyyah allows (Permits) women to cover her face even if it touches her face. However, she should not tie it on.

The Ihram can be put on before reaching Miqat even at their homes as it is the Sunnah (Way) of Prophet SAAW and His companions (As’haab) R.A. therefore, the pilgrim can wear the Ihram on airplane before reaching Miqat. However, the intention must be done near to Miqat in order not to past the Miqat without Ihram.

Men can use perfume and oil that are allowed in Islam before having the intention of Ihram at Miqat, however, women use that which has color not but no odor.


Ihram and Intention (Niyah)

When one (Who is in intention to perform Hajj) approaches Miqat place it becomes obligatory (Wajib) to do assume Ihram. The intention of being Muhrim and Hajj must be expressed in words and actions, and it’s not enough to think the Niyah. So  ‘talbiyah' must be recited and to enter into Ihram then his Ihram is concluded. All the scholars of Islam agreed upon aforementioned.

Even one cannot add, subtract or recite any other thing except ‘talbiyah' whether it conveys the similar meaning. As the Prophet SAAW says,

“…for every newly invented matter is an innovation, and every innovation is a going astray and every going astray is in Hellfire.”
[Tirmidhi - sahih]


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