How to Perform Tahajjud Prayer in Islam - Tahajjud Prayer Method
Tahajjud prayer (Salah) method, it is question how to perform Tahajjud prayer, especially by those who (newly) converted in Islam, Method of Tahajjud prayer is written here.
As mentioned Tahajjud’s literally means ‘wake up’ and due to, it is offered at mid night (After Isha and before Fajr Prayer), it is necessary to have a deep sleep before offering Tahajjud, which is the fundamental issue to be taken as start.
As for Tahajjud prayer method, it is repeatedly asked question how to perform Tahajjud prayer in Islam, especially by those who recently (newly) converted to Islam, and by even those lay majority of Muslim who are not used to pray Tahajjud Salah as Tahajjud Prayer is not compulsory on Muslims, i.e. infect Tahajjud is an voluntary prayer (Namaz).
Lest see the method to perform Tahajjud prayer (Night Prayer) at midnight from the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAWW so that we could be able to become a good Muslim and able to get blessings of God (Allah the Almighty) due to His blessing, could get better place (Jannah) hereafter. So lets learn how to perform tahajjud prayer to Make it part of your daily routine.
See Also: Evidence Of Tahajjud Prayer From Quran
Tahajjud Prayer Method
First of all, make sure that you had a deep sleep after Ishah prayer and wake up before Fajr prayer so that you could be able to perform Tahajjud prayer before fajr. Remember, you cannot pray Tahajjud in obligatory prayer times, i.e. during Ishah time and Fajr time. The time of praying Tahajjud Must be offered between Ishah and Fajr, i.e. at midnight or 3rd half of night.
After you woke up, perform Wudu in a same manner you are used to perform it in usual five times of obligatory prayer namely Fajr, Dohr, Asr, Maghrib and Isha. Doesn’t matter of which Fiqh (School of Thought) you are belong to, offering Wudu before performing any prayer is compulsory and obligatory on every Muslims, whether you are following Hanafi, Shafai, Maliki, Jafari or Humbali school of thought or any authentic Islamic Jurist.
Moreover, if you could not perform a Wudu due to any reasonable Sharai reason, for example you are in a position that you are unable to find water, water is out of reach, water is not clean enough, or you are ill enough to perform Wudu, you can perform Tayammum in that or similar to that state.
Read About: How to Perform Wudu
After competing aforementioned two steps, find a pure and clean place to star performing Tahajjud Namaz, take a clean carpet (Jay-Namaz) and give it the direction to Qiblah (Kaba). This is due to taking the name of Allah must be in pure and clean place, and direction must be toward Qiblah (Kaba) as it is obligation on every Muslim take a direction towards kaba from the nasoos of Quran and Sunnah.
Now, stand toward the Kaba direction and be prepared mentally to perform Tahajjud prayer by making intention to perform it with pure mind and pure intention. So perform two Raka’hs (Rakaats) prayer in a same manner you pray Fajr prayer, the only think differentiate between them is you intention for Tahajjud prayer. Finally make salam to end the prayer and so dua whatever you want to do but in beautiful and pure words from your Lord Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala (SWT).
In Short:
This was the method to perform Namaz-e-Tahajjud. As for step by step guide, we have shorten above mentioned method to step by step below.
Sleep after Ishah at any time
Woke up at midnight early before Fajr
Prepare to pray Tahajjud before Fajr time starts
Perform Wudu
Find a clean place
Take a direction to Kaba
Start offering two Rakahs of Tahajjud
Make salam to end the prayer
Offer dua recommended
That was regarding the method to perform night prayer i.e. Tahajjud. Please note that you can also perform more than two rakats of Tahajjud as Tahajjud Salah is not limited to fix raka’ats. If you have more question in your mind reading Tahajjud prayer, please asked.
Assalamu alikum
ReplyMy Dear to all Gentleman's,
MashaaAllah all of comments very nice and every person's in pray and dua all of umma..........Mohammad SAWW Tahajjud prayer (Salah).dua's must be happiness your's life time.
Thanks all of you,(dua's don't miss mother and father).