Do and don'ts in Tawaf
Here we will discuss what is allowed during Tawaf and what is forbidden when circulating around the Kaba. As we menstioned before that Tawaf is one of rituals performed during Hajj and Umrah by circulating seven times around the Kaba starting from the point where Black Stone (Hajr-e-Aswad) is placed in Kaba’s wall corner.
You can say or recite anything during Tawaf-e-Kaba clinging to the place between the corner and the Door with placing your chest and face and forearms upon this place. So no particular sayings, recitation or Zikr (Dhikr) is specified by the Sharia but the good one. Prophet Muhammad-e-Mustafa says,
“Tawaf (Circulate) around the House is prayer, except that Allah has allowed speech in it, so he who speaks then let him not say except, good things and in a narration : so let him limit his talk in it.”
Before Islam, people use to offer Tawaf during hajj nakedly, Islam forbid (Haraam) it and its not allowed in any case to offer Tawar around the Kaba (House of Allah) in a state of Nudeness. As Rasool Allah SAAW says,
“A naked person may not make tawaf of the House.”
And in another narration, Rasool Allah SAAW says to Aisha R.A when she came to Mecca in intention to perform Umrah in the final Hajj,
“Do as anyone making Hajj does, except do not make tawaf of the House (and do not pray) until you become clean”
After finishing seventh round of Tawaf, one must step forward toward Maqam-e-Ibrahim A.S with covers the right shoulder (If Male) while moving toward Maqam-e-Ibrahim and recite,
Wattakhidhu min-maqami ibrahima musalla
And take ye the Station of Abraham as a place of prayer.
[Noble Quran 2:125]
After reaching Maqam-e-Ibrahim, place yourself toward Kaba behind the Maqam-e-Ibrahim as if Maqam-e-Ibrahim comes between you and Kaba, then offer 2 rakats of prayer (Sala’t or Nimaz) and recite Surat-ul-Kafirun and Surat-ut-Ikhlas therein.
Avoid walking in front of any praying person except having distance of Hands. Finally go to the Zamzam water to drink it and pours some of the water onto your head as Rasool-e-Kareem SAAW says,
“Zamzam water is for what it drunk for”
“It is blessed and it is a food and a cure for illness”
And in another narration He SAAW says,
“The best water upon the face of the earth is Zamzam water, in it is nourishment and a cure from illness"
Finally, turn to Black Stone (Hajr-e-Aswad) and say Takbir (Allah-o-Akbar) touch it same as before.