Book Hajj Packages Karachi 2017 Top Hajj Dealers
View Hajj Packages 2017 for Karachi quite perfect like Universal Brothers hajj packages offering Maktab no. 1 in Mina & Arafaat VIP Tents, Best Hotels in Mecca & Medina in HajjGuides Packages.
From the top tour operators, hajj packages Karachi 2017 can be viewed & booked from this page. Contact the admin department of these top hajj tour operators to book Hajj packages Karachi, you can also approach them to answer any of the question about Hajj packages Karachi 2016.
Hajj 2017 is approaching near and near as the time passes, book your hajj 2017 from Karachi in advance to ensure the deluxe & VIP facilities in your journey after placing the order for Hajj packages Karachi 2017 with our recommended hajj operators.
You can find premium, deluxe & VIP Hajj packages Karachi from the best service providers of Karachi city, hajj is the obligatory pillar of Islam but is only Far'd only on the person who meets both financial and physical criteria.
If you have a plan to perform hajj 2017 from Karachi then you may contact any of the hajj tour operator listed here to finalize Hajj packages Karachi 2017 for your family, relative or business group.
We will try our best to provide you an unforgettable service for Hajj packages Karachi, so that you can perform hajj 2017 from Karachi with your full potential and the depth of your heart.
Discover more details about Hajj packages Karachi 2017 by straight contacting to the hajj travel organizer you can read some basic facilities of hajj packages Karachi 2017 from the Hajj package page for this purpose click on the image provided below.
Further details can be queried about hajj packages Karachi 2017 by making a short call to the numbers provided by each operator.
For Booking Hajj Packages Karachi 2017 Contact US
If you want a detailed hajj packages information we can send you in Email address, but we would like you to make a call us on 042-35775085-86, or call on mobile 0321-4051313. If you want to visit our office you can visit us at 31/ E-1, Gulberg-III, near Shapes-Gym Lahore which is our head office.
Expected Flight Dates for 2017 Hajj Pilgrimage
The numbers of flights landing on airports are on peak in hajj season, so the airports are quite rushy in hajj seasons, to avoid any inconvenience in traveling we will move you to medina Airport and you will stay there for some days then move to Mecca either by air or by road according to your package.
14th/15th September 2017 if you book hajj package of 12 days, (Flight Route Will be From Pakistan to Medina Munawara.)
10th/11th September 2017 if you book hajj package of 15 days, (Flight Route Will be From Pakistan to Medina Munawara.)
3rd/4th September 2017 if you book hajj package of 23 days, (Flight Route Will be From Pakistan to Medina Munawara.)
1. Medina First, 12 Days Hajj Package
- FIRST LAND IN MEDINA, Then transferred to Mecca via Jeddah Airport
- 12-days includes full Ashra-e-Zilhajj
- Schedule designed with best expertise & closest to Sunnah
- 5 Star hotels are booked facing Haram before Hajj
- Executive class Cabins with Private bathrooms are arranged in Mina for Our hajj Group, The Maktab is located closest to Jamraat in VVIP area.
Stay of 3-4 Days in 5 STAR hotel of Medina Munawara named (Movenpick / Dar-al-Taqwa Ex International / Hilton Medina OR Similar) nearest to haram, (These hotels are 400% expensive than others in hajj season) The stay will be from 1st or 2nd Zil’haj to 5th Zil’haj.
The rates in super peak season before HAJJ are 400% expensive than normal Hajj season.
Medina to Makkah transfer by Air via Jeddah Airport OR by road in Luxurious Buses with bathroom facility.
Stay of 2-3 days in Mecca location will be closest to Mina, (Transport Service will be provided from building to Haram). Then 5 - 6 days of Hajj to perform complete steps in Mina, Arafat & Muzdalifa.
Air Conditioned Tents in Arafat
Package also includes Ziaraat in Medina
You will be provided return transport for Tawaf-e-Ziyarat
Departure in 1st flight after hajj via Jeddah Airport*
Buffet meal will be offered in Medina Munawarah Hotel (Breakfast & Dinner) - Half Board
Buffet meal will be offered in building and Mina (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner), 24 hrs hot/cold drinks are available - Full Board
Overall whole Pilgrimage is designed to utilize the full Ashra-e-Zilhaj with optimal time management techniques
Click to read the complete details of 12 days hajj package

2. Medina First, 15 Days Hajj Package
- FIRST LAND IN MEDINA, Then transferred to Mecca.
- This package includes stay of Oberoi Hotel in Medina (Only we are offering stay of Oberoi Hotel in Pakistan)
- 15-days package includes full Ashra-e-Zilhajj
- Schedule designed with best expertise which is closest to Sunnah
- 5 Star hotels are booked facing Haram before Hajj
- Executive class Cabins with Private bathrooms are arranged in Mina for Our hajj Group, The Maktab is located closest to Jamraat in VVIP area.
Stay of 3 Days in Medina from 27th Zilqada to 1st Zilhaj in 5 STAR PLUS Hotels of Medina (Medina Oberoi or any other Similar)
Stay of 3 Days from 1st Zilhaj to 4th Zilhaj in 5 STAR Plus Hotels of Makkah (Dal-ul-Tawheed International OR any other similar)
- Stay of 3-4 Days Building in Makkah (Building to Haram Limited Transport Services)
* Stay of 3-4 days in Mecca location will be closest to Mina, (Limited Transport Service will be provided from building to Haram). Then 5 - 6 days of Hajj to perform complete steps in Mina, Arafat & Muzdalifa.
Air Conditioned Tents in Arafat
Package also includes Ziaraat in Medina
You will be provided return transport for Tawaf-e-Ziyarat (during Hajj Days)
Departure in 1st flight after hajj via Jeddah Airport*
Buffet meal will be offered in Medina Munawarah Hotel (Breakfast & Dinner) - Half Board
Buffet meal will be offered in building and Mina (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner), 24 hrs hot/cold drinks are available - Full Board
Overall whole Pilgrimage is designed to utilize the full Ashra-e-Zilhaj with optimal time management techniques
Click to read the complete details of 15 days hajj package
3. Medina First, 23 Days Hajj Package
- FIRST LAND IN MEDINA, Then transferred to Mecca.
- Also includes option of 40 salaats in Masjid-e-Nabvi
- 23-days package includes full Ashra-e-Zilhajj
- Schedule is designed with best expertise and is close to Sunnah
- 5 Star hotels are booked facing Haram before Hajj
If the stay is 28 days, then 9-10 days of stay will be in 5-STAR hotel facing Haram in Madinah (15/16 Zilqadah to 25th of Zilqadah) (With 40 Salats). The hotel will be one of (Dar-ul-Taqwa Ex International, Shaza-Al-Madina, Hilton Medina, Movenpick OR anyother Similar)
If the stay is of 23 Days, then 4-5 days of stay will be in 5-STAR hotel facing Haram in Madinah (20/21 Zilqadah to 25th of Zilqadah). Then 8-9 days of stay in 5-STAR hotel of Mecca (25 Zilqadah to 4th of Zilqadah) the hotels are (Safwa Towers, Abraaj-Al-Bait)
* Stay of 3-4 days in Mecca location will be closest to Mina, (Limited Transport Service will be provided from building to Haram). Then 5 - 6 days of Hajj to perform complete steps in Mina, Arafat & Muzdalifa.
Air Conditioned Tents in Arafat
Package also includes Ziaraat in Medina
Departure in 1st flight after hajj via Jeddah Airport*
Overall whole Pilgrimage is designed to utilize the full Ashra-e-Zilhaj with optimal time management techniques
Buffet meal will be offered in Medina Munawarah and Mecca Hotels (Breakfast Only)
Click to read the complete details of 23 days hajj package
4. Medina First, Platinum* 12 Days Hajj Package
- FIRST LAND IN MEDINA, Then transferred to Mecca.
- Package includes full Ashra-e-Zilhajj
- No night in building (Azizia)
- Schedule is designed with best expertise and is close to Sunnah
- 5 Star hotels are booked facing Haram before Hajj
Stay of 3-4 Days in 5 STAR hotel of Medina Munawara named (Dar-al-Taqwa Ex International OR Similar) nearest to haram, (These hotels are 400% expensive than others in hajj season) The stay will be from (1st or 2nd Zil’haj to 5th Zil’haj).
Medina to Makkah transfer by Air via Jeddah Airport OR by road in Luxurious Buses with bathroom facility.
Stay of 9 days in 5-STAR hotel facing Haram (5th to 14th Zilhaj) in hotels like (Abraj Tower, Safwa Tower, Dar-ul-Toheed Intercont, Hilton OR anyother Similar).
Stay of 5 - 6 days in 5-STAR hotel to perform rituals of Hajj in Mina, Arafat & Muzdalifa
Air Conditioned Tents in Arafat
Package also includes Ziaraat in Medina
You will be provided return transport for Tawaf-e-Ziyarat in Hajj days
Departure in 1st flight after hajj via Jeddah Airport*
Overall whole Pilgrimage is designed to utilize the full Ashra-e-Zilhaj with optimal time management techniques
* Executive class facilities depends on approval of KSA Govt. approval.
Click to read the complete details of 12 days PLATINUM hajj package