The Miqats Ruling in Islam
Miqat is an Arabic word. The literal meaning of Miqat is "a stated place" or station. In Shari’ah, Meqat are the stations set by Prophet Muhammad SAAW for the pilgrims (Haji) who want to perform hajj, where pilgrims (Haji) put on IhrÄm, the pilgrim's garment i.e. the stations where pilgrims get into the state to Ihram.
The Miqat set by beloved Prophet Muhammad SAAW are five, namely Dhul Hulaifah, Al-Juhfah, Qarn-ul manazil, Yalamlam and Dhatu `Irq. No one (Pilgrim) is allowed to pass these stations without assuming Ihram according to the saying of Prophet SAAW.
As five of the Miqats were set by Rasool Allah SAAW, later, some places were added as Miqats for the sake of convenience of travelers from India and points further east. The stations are as follows:
Zu 'l-Hulafa, serving pilgrims coming from Medina
Juhfa, for Syrian Pilgrims
Qarnu 'l-ManÄzil, for those coming from Najd
Yalamlam, Pilgrims coming from Yemen
Thaneim, for Mecca
ZÄt-i-'Irq, for 'Iraqi Pilgrims
Ibrahīm Mursīa, catering to travellers arriving by sea from India
All the Muslims coming outside the Mecca or beyond the Miqat, they must assume Ihram after approaching Miqat or just before. However, as for those who already live or had their houses in Mecca, near to Mecca or Miqat area, they can assume their Ihram at their home and they need not to approeach Miqat first and then assume Ihram.
Zu 'l-Hulafa or Dhul Hulaifah is one of Miqat for the people coming from Medina (The City of Prophet) which is about six or seven miles away and considered to be one of the furthest Miqat (Station) from Mecca with having multiple routs approaching Mecca crossing more or less ten stations. The mosque situated at Zu 'l-Hulafa is called Masjid-ush-shajarah (Mosque of the Tree).
Juhfa is a village between Medina and Mecca used by Syrian Pilgrim (Hujjaaj) about three traveling stations away from Mecca. People of Egypt including the rest of the West also use this station.
As for Qarnu 'l-ManÄzil, it is nearer to Mecca i.e. being a day and night's journey away. Where Yalamlam is about two nights away from Mecca i.e. two night distance of traveling from Mecca City.
This was the main information about Miqat the Pilgrim (Haji) must have in mind to start with. If you have any other question regarding Miqat you can ask in comment box or if you have anything to add down in aforementioned story just not hesitate, because It’s all about Jannah (Paradise).
Why places called miqat are fixed for wearing ihram? What is the significance of these places? What is the reason or purpose for Rasoolullah (SAW) to fix these places for wearing ihram? All the places are not of approximately at same distances from Mecca. Why there is distance variation from one place of miqat to another to Ka'aba?