Facts About Islam Religion - Especially Facts On Why Is Islam Growing So Fast
Facts about Islam religion - It is fact that Islam is a second largest religion on earth, but it is also a fact that will be the largest faith to be followed if it keeps growing in a same pace. But why Islam is a fastest growing religion on the surface of the earth? Let’s answer this by finding the facts about Islam.
There are mainly two reasons why Muslims are populated second in rank with respect to religion and faith after Christianity and soon to be at first as it is growing. First reason is world population, that fact that the Christian which represent largest population in the world are evidently decreasing due to low birth rate in the Europe and America. Even, many of the European countries like Germany have negative birth rate because people don’t bother to have a child.
Where at the other side, the studies reveals that Muslims are growing about 8 times faster than Christians in many places of the world. Only in France, every sixth person is Muslim and it is estimated that if Muslims keep having child in their lap following the same place, the France would most probably become the Muslim populated country before 2040.
The second fact about Islam determines its large in population is a conversion factor. Islam has the fastest conversion rate as compared to any religion on earth. Only in England, more than thousands of people convert to Islam and most of them are females, estimate every 3 out of 4 are female converts to Islam, which is also a main factor of Islamic population.
If you have some information regarding the facts about Islam as religion why growing so fast, just don’t hasitate to share with us in the following comment box.