How to Convert to Islam and Become a True Muslim
Islam is an ideology to spend a life in a specific manner invites it follower to become a Muslim or converting to Islam following rational method. Islam does not believe to become a Muslim blindly. It calls to humanity to verify the existence of creator (Allah SWT) rationally and His Messenger SAWW and the Book Holy Quran.
Therefore, it is imperative to know the rational way to accept Islam. Many of in the world convert or accept Islam due to spiritual inclinations toward its Ibada. Such as some convert to Islam inspired by the ruling of Islam about neatness and cleanness. Some accept Islam inspiring the way Muslim offer Salat (The Prayer) five times in a day.
At other hand, many left or refuse to embrace Islam due to observing the act of the followers of Islam, such as by observing the parties doing Jihad etc. And many in this world are Muslim because their elders are called Muslim. All the mentioned ways to accept or embrace Islam are false as Islam does not make them criteria to judge whether to accept or reject Islam.
The only way Islam calls to humanity to accept Islam or converting to Islam is a rational process of mind to be applied on whether creator exists? Is Quran a book of creator? And finally is Muhammad SAWW is a messenger of Allah (The Creator). After resolving these three questions rationally, Islam insists its followers to follow the command of the creator (Allah) without any objection.
This is so because human intellect only have mind to judge things to accept or reject in a rational way. No other thing human has to pass judgment of this to be true or false except his/her rations. And this is because Allah SWT in the Quran also invites His most intellectual creature to accept the existence of Allah on rational basis. As Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala says,
"Behold! In the creation of the heavens and the earth and the alteration of night and day, these are indeed signs for men of understanding." (Aali-Imran: 190)
And in surat ar-Rum Allah SWT says,
"And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colors. Behold! Herein indeed are signs for men of knowledge." (Ar-Rum: 22)
And in surat at-Tariq,
"So let man reflect, from what he is created. He is created from a gushing fluid, that is issued from between the loins and ribs." (At-Tariq: 5-7)
All these and a kind of many of these sayings of Allah SWT indicate that Allah acquires from humanity to judge the creation of Allah SWT to embrace Islam by using intellect, reasoning and knowledge. This is the only way Allah SWT invites its created human beings to accept to converting to Islam on rational method by calling them “for men of understanding†or those “who have intellect†or those who use “intellectâ€.
In our further articles, we will discuss the ‘rational method’ and the way to use it in order to judge whether the creator exists and how to convert to Islam in rational manner.
Last Updated: 21/7/2015