What if One Do not Bring the Sacrificial Animal
The ruling of Islam in case one is unable to bring Sacrificial Animal on Hajj: The one who intend to make hajj must bring the animal to sacrifice it in the name of Allah by fulfilling the Sunnah of Hazrat Ibrahim A.S. In case, the one who is about to make Hajj unfortunately unable to bring the Animal (Hady) with him/her, then s(he) should perform Hajj of Tamattu, that is, performing `Umrah during the Hajj season.
In this case, the haji (Pilgrim) gets into the state of Ihram for Hajj on the day of Tarwiyah. One should make intention for Umrah when approaching the Miqat place by saying,
"Labbayk-Allahumma labbayka bi'Umrah!" or "Labbayka 'Umratan!"
"O Allah! I answer Your call to perform Umrah."
One should remember that this isn’t optional action, but a compulsory one and proven by the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad SAAW. As the Prophet ordered his companions (Sahaba) to do Tamattu in the end, and He SAAW became angry when some of them did not immediately carry out His order to change the intention from Hajj to an Umrah i.e. Tamattu. Then the Prophet said: “I have entered the `Umrah into the Hajj until the Day of Resurrection”
So remember not to do normal Hajj in case you are unable to brought Sacrificial Animal call (Hady), you must intent to make Hajj-e-Tamattu (Umrah during the Hajj season) and then declare the intention for Hajj on the Day of Tarwiyah, the 8th of Dhul-Hijjah, because you are not just answerable to perform Hajj, but also according to the same method proven by Hazrat Muhammad SAAW as Allah says in Holy Quran,
O you who believe! Give your response to Allah and His Messenger, when He calls you to that which will gives you life.
[Noble Quran 8:24]