Arabic Girls Names - Arabic Feminine Name Guide

Arabic Names by Editorial Staff (August 01, 06:46 AM)

Here you can find the Muslim girls names from our largest database of Arabic girl names. This list of Arabic girls names also shows you many options for choosing a perfect name for your baby girl.

You can also find the meanings of Arabic girl names from the list provided below this will be quite helpful for choosing a right name for your Muslim baby girl. Find the exact match for your desires to discover a unique and cute Arabic girl name from here.


Arabic Girls Names Meanings Arabic Girls Names Meanigns Arabic Girls Names Meanings
A   Ijlal Respect, honor Qismah  Destiny, fate, ordained by God
Abal Wild rose 'Inayah, 'Inayat Care, concern Qubilah Concord
Abia  Great Ikhlas Sincerity Qudsiyah Glorious, sacred
Abidah, Abida Worshipper Ikram, Ikraam Honor, hospitality, generosity R  
Abir, Abeer Fragrance, perfume Ilham, Ilhaam Intuition Rabab White cloud
Ablah, Abla', Ablaa Perfectly formed Iman Faith, belief Rabi'ah, Rabeea Garden, springtime
Abra  Example, lesson Imtithal Polite obedience Rabiyah Hill
Abrar  Devoted to God In'am, Inaam Kindness, benefaction, bestowal Radiyah, Radhiya Content, satisfied
A'dab, Aadab Hope and need Inas Sociability Radwa, Radhwaa a mountain in Medina
Adara Virgin Inaya Concern; solicitude Rafa', Rafa Happiness, prosperity
Adawiyah Summer plant Insaf  Justice, equity Rafah Pleasant, luxurious life
Adiba Well-mannered, cultured, polite Intisar, Intisaar Triumph Ra'fah, Ra'fat Mercy
Adilah, Adila, Adeela Equal, just, honest Isa' Spacious, generous Rafal to trail a garment
Adn  Paradise Is'ad To bring happiness, to provide help Rafi'ah Sublime, exquisite
Afaf  Chaste, virtuous, decent, pure Is'af Relief, help Rafidah Support
Afifah  Chaste, modest Isar Fascinating Rafif  to gleam, shimmer
Afnan  Tree branches or twigs Ishfaq Compassion, affection Raghad or Raghda' Pleasant
Afra', Afraa White Ishraq Radiance Raghidah Pleasant
Afrah  Celebrations, festivals 'Ismah, 'Ismat Purity, modesty, infallibility Raha  Peaceful
Afya  Shadows Isra' Nocturnal journey; night journey of the Prophet from Makkah to Jerusalem Rahaf Delicate, fine
Ahd Pledge, commitment Istilah Agreement Rahimah Merciful, compassionate
Ahlam  Witty, imaginative 'Itab Censure Rahiq  Nectar
A'idah, Aida Visiting, returning 'Itaf  Clock Rahmah  Mercy
Ain  Eye, thus Ithar Preference Ra'idah, Raaida Leader
Aini  Spring, flower, source I'tidal Straightness, tautness Ra'ifah Merciful
A'ishah, Aisha, Ayishah Living, prosperous; youngest wife of the Prophet I'timad Reliance, dependencen Raja', Raja Hope
Akilah  Intelligent, logical, one who reasons Izdihar, Izdihaar Flourishing, blossoming Ramlah Old Arabic name
Ala', Aalaa  Signs of Allah 'Izzah Might, power Ramziyah  Symbolic
Alhena  A ring J   Rana  To gaze, look
Alima  Wise Jabirah Comforter, consoler Rand  Bay laurel
Alimah  Skilled in music or dance Jada Gift, present Randa  Tree of good scent
Aliyah, Aliyyah, Alia, A'lia Exaulted, elevated, highest social standing Jadwa Gift, present Ranim, Raneem To recite in a sing-song voice
Almas  Diamond Jala', Jala Clarity, elucidation Raniyah, Raniya Gazing
Altaf  Kindness, politeness Jalilah Splendid, lofty Rasha Young gazelle
Aludra  Virgin Jamilah, Jameela Beautiful, graceful, lovely Rashad Straight
Alya Loftiness Jana  Harvest Rashidah, Rasheeda Wise, mature
Al Zahra  The illuminated; nickname of the Prophet's daughter, Fatimah Janan, Janaan Heart, soul Rasmiyah Official, formal
Alzubra  A star in the constellation Leo Jannah Garden, paradise Raw'ah Charm, beauty, splendor
Amal, A'mal, Aamal, Amala Hope, aspiration Jawa Passion, love Rawdah, Rawdha Garden
Aman  Security, peace, safety Jawahir Jewels Rawhah Nice
Amani Wishes, aspirations Jawharah Jewel Rawhiyah Spirituality
Amatullah  Female servant of Allah Jawl  to move freely Rawiah, Raawiya Transmitter of ancient Arabic poetry
Amber  Jewel Jawna' The sun Rayhanah Aromatic sweet basil
Aminah, Amineh, Ameena Trustworthy, faithful, secure; name of the mother of the Prophet Jihan  A river in Iran Rayya, Rayyaa Sated with drink
Amirah, Ameera Princess, leader Jilan  Courtier Razan, Razaan Sensibility and respect
Amjad  Magnificence, splendor Jinan Gardens, paradise Rida Favored by God
Amsah  Friendly; of good company Johara Jewel Rihab Vastness, expanse
Anan, Anaan Clouds Jud  Generosity Riham Lasting, fine rain
Anbar Perfume, ambergris Judi  Name of a mountain mentioned in the Qur'an Rihana Sweet basil
Anbarin  of ambergris Juhanah Young girl Rim, Reem Gazelle
Anisah, Aneesa Close, intimate, good friend Juhainah, Juhaynah  Name of an Arab tribe Rima, Reema White antelope
Anjum  Stars Juman Pearl Ru'a Dreams, visions
Anmar  Leopard Jumanah, Jumaana Silver pearl Rubaa Hills, height
Anwar, Anwaar Rays of light, blossoms Jun Inlet, bay, gulf Rubadah Ash-colored
Aqilah Wife, spouse; the best, the pick Junah The sun Rudainah, Rudaynah Old Arabic name
Ara  Opinions Juwairiyah, Juwayriyah Wife of the Prophet Rufaidah, Rufaydah Support
Aram  Signs, flags Juwan Perfume Rukan Steady, confident
Areebah  Witty, smart K   Rumailah, Rumaylah Old Arabic name
Arij, Areej  Fragrance, sweet smell Kalila Sweetheart, beloved Rumaithah, Rumaythah Old Arabic name
Arub, Aroob  Loving to her husband Kamilah  Perfect, complete Ruqayyah, Ruqayya Gentle; name of the daughter of the Prophet
Asalah  Nobility of descent Karam Generosity Rushd Sensible conduct
Ashwaq Love, affections karawan Variety of plover birds Ruwaidah, Ruwaydah Walking gently
Asil  Smooth Karida Untouched Ru'yah Dream, vision
Asilah  Noble origin, pure Karimah, Kareema Generous, noble S  
Asimah, Asima Protector Kawakib Satellites Saba' Sheba, a town in Yemen
Asiya, Asiyah One who tends to the weak, one who heals, comforts, consoles Kawkab Satellite Sabaa a nice wind
Asma', Asma, Asmaa Excellent, lofty, eminent, precious; daughter of Abu Bakr Kawthar River in Paradise Sabah Morning
Asra  Travel by night Khadijah, Khadeeja First wife of the Prophet Sabihah Beautiful
Asrar  Secrets Khalidah, Khalida  Immortal, everlasting Sabirah, Saabira Patient
Asriyah  Modernist Khalisah Sincere, pure Sabr Patience, self-control
Athir  Favored, preferred Khawlah Female deer Sabriyah Patient
Atifah, Atifa Affectionate, compassionate, sympathetic Khayriyah, Khayriyyah, Khairiya Charitable, beneficent, good Sadad Right thing to do, lucky hand
Atikah, Atika Virgin, pure, clear Khitam Conclusion Sa'dah Happiness
Atiyah, Atiya  Gift, present Khulud, Khulood Immortality, eternity, infinity Sa'diyah Fortunate
Atyaf  Fantasies Khuzama Lavender Safa' Pure
Awatif  Emotions Kifah  Struggle Safaa Clarity, purity, serenity; name of a hill in Makkah
Ayah, Ayeh Qur'anic verse, clear evidence, sign of God Kulthum, Kulthoom  Daughter of the Prophet  Saffanah Pearl
Ayat  Qur'anic verses, clear evidences, signs of God Kulus Clearness, purity Safiyyah, Safiya Untroubled, serene, pure, best friend; wife of the Prophet
Azhar, Azhaar Flowers, blossoms L   Safun Breezing
Azizah, Aziza, Azeeza Precious, cherished, beloved, dear Labibah Sensible, intelligent Sahar Dawn
Azzah, Azza Young, female gazelle Lama Darkness of lips Sahlah, Sahla Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing
B   Lam'ah Brilliancy Sa'idah Happy, fortunate
Badi'ah, Badi'a Unprecedented, amazing, admirable, unique Lami'ah Shine Saihah Good, useful
Badra  Full moon Lamis, Lamees Soft to the touch Saja to be calm and quiet
Badriyah, Badriyyah, Badriya Resembling the full moon Lamya', Lamya Of dark lips Sajidah Prostrating to God
Bahijah  Magnificent, splendid Lana to be gentle, soft, tender Sakinah, Sakeena God-inspired peace of mind, tranquility
Bahirah, Bahira, Baheera Dazzling, brilliant, noble lady Latifah, Lateefa Gentle, kind, pleasant, friendly Salihah Correct, agreeable
Bahiyah, Bahiya, Bahiyaa  Beautiful, radiant Layali  Nights Salimah, Saleema Peaceful, flawless, faultless, safe, healthy
Balqis  Name of the Queen of Sheba Layan Gentle and soft Salma Peaceful, safe, healthy; a wife of the Prophet
Balsam  Balsam, balm Layla, Leila rapture, elation, Born at night Salsabil, Salsabeel Spring in Jannah
Ban  a kind of tree Lazim  Essential, imperative Salwa Solace; quail
Banan  Delicate, finger tips Linah, Lina, Leena Tender Samah, Samaah Generosity
Bara'ah Innocence Lubab The best part Samar Evening conversation
Barakah, Baraka Blessing; white one Lubabah, Lubaaba The innermost essence Samarah Soft light
Bari'ah, Baraa'a Excelling Luban  Pine tree; denotes long neck Samawah Summit, height
Barika Bloom, be successful Lubanah Wish, desire Sameh Forgiver
Barirah  Faithful and devoted Lublubah  Affectionate, tender Samihah, Sameeha Generous
Basha'ir Good news, good omens Lubna  Kind of tree Samirah, Sameera Entertaining female companion
Bashirah, Basheera Bringer of good tidings, joy Luja  of great depth Samiyah, Saamiya Elevated, exhalted, lofty
Basilah  Brave Lujain, Lujayn Silver Samra' Soft, light tanned color
Basimah, Baseema Smiling Lu'lu Pearls Sana, Sanaa Brilliance, splendor
Basinah  Kitty, kitten Lu'lu'ah, Lulwa Pearl Sana', Sanaa' Eminence, sublimity
Basmah, Basma A smile Lunah  Date palm Saniyah Resplendence, brilliance
Batul, Batool Ascetic virgin Lutfiyah Delicate, graceful Sarah Name of the wife of the Prophet Ibrahim
Bayan  Clearness, eloquence M   Sauda, Sawdah Wife of the Prophet
Baysan  to walk with pride Ma'ab Place to which one returns Sawsan Lily of the valley
Bilqis, Bilqees Queen of Sheeba Ma'ali Noble things Sayyidah Lady, woman
Bisar  Adolescent Mada Utmost point, degree Sfiyah Righteous
Budur  Full moons Madihah, Madeeha Praiseworthy, commendable Shadan Young gazelle
Buhaysah, Buhaisah Walking with pride Maha Wild cow; has beautiful eyes Shadha, Shadhaa Aroma
Buhjah  Joy, delight Mahabbah Love, affection Shadhiyah Aromatic
Buhthah  Happy, delighted when seeing others Mahasin Beauties Shadiyah Singer
Bushra  Good omen, good news Mahbubah Beloved Shafiqah Compassionate, sympathetic
Busr  Unripened dates; star, height Mahdiyah Rightly guided Shahd Honey, honeycomb
Buthaynah, Buthainah, Buthayna Of beautiful and tender body Mahibah Noble, respected Shahidah Witness
C   Maimoona, Maymunah Auspicious, blessed; a wife of the Prophet Shahirah Well-known, famous
Cala Castle Ma'isah, Maisa Walking with a proud, swinging gait Shahlah  Blush
Cantara  Small bridge Maizah Discerning Shahrazad Teller of "Tales of 1,001 Nights"
D   Majidah, Majida Glorious Shakirah Thankful
Da'd Old Arabic name Makarim, Makaarim Of good and honorable character Shamilah  Complete, comprehensive
Dahab  Gold Makkiyah  From Makkah Shams Sun
Dalal  Treated or touched in a kind and loving way Maladh  Protection, shelter Sharifah, Shareefa, Sherrifah Noble, honored
Daliyah  Grape vine Malak  Angel Shawq Longing
Daniyah  Closer, nearer Malakah  Talent Shayma, Shaymaa to look out
Dhakirah  One who remembers God frequently Maliha  Praising Shifa' Curing, healing
Dhakiyah  Bright, intelligent Malikah  Queen Shimah Nature, habit
Dhuka' Name of the sun Manab  Deputyship, share Shiyam Nature, character
Dimah  Cloud which carries rainwater Manal, Manaal  Attainment, achievement Shudun Powerful, straight
Du'a' Prayer Manar, Manaar Guiding light Shuhrah Fame, reputation
Duha, Dhuha Forenoon Maram, Maraam Aspiration Shukrah Thankfulness
Dunya  World Mariam, Maryam Arabic form of "Mary"; Mother of Jesus Shukriyah Of thanks
Dunyana  Our world Mariyah Fair complexion; name of the wife of the Prophet Shuruq Rising, shining
Durar  Pearls Marwah a mountain in Makkah (Al Safa wa al Marwah) Sibal, Sibaal Eyes with long lashes
Durrah  Pearl Marzuqah Blessed by God, fortunate Siddiqah Upright, very truthful
Durriyah  Shining, bright Masarrah Delight, joy Siham, Sihaam Arrows
F   Mas'udah, Mas'ouda Happy, lucky, fortunate Simah  Sign, characteristic, expression
Fadilah, Fadheela Virtuous, outstanding, superior, cultured and refined Mawaddah Affection, love, friendliness Sirah  See "Sarah"
Fadiyah  Redeemer, self-sacrificing Mawahib Talents Sirin, Sireen Wife of Prophet's companion Hassan ibn Thabit
Fadwa  Name derived from self-sacrifice Mawiyah, Mawiya The essence of life; clear mirror Su'ad, Souad Good fortune
Fahdah, Fahada Leopardess May Old Arabic name Subhah in the morning
Fahimah  Intelligent Maymunah  Fortunate, blessed; name of the wife of the Prophet Subhiyah of the morning
Fa'iqah Surpassing, excellent Mays, Mais Proud gait Su'da Happy, lucky
Fa'izah, Faiza Victorious, winner Maysa', Maysaa Walking with pride Suha  Name of a star
Fajr  Dawn, morning prayer Maysam Beautiful Suhailah, Suhaylah Smooth, soft, fluent, flowing
Fakhriyah  Honorary Maysan  a star Suhaimah, Suhaymah Small arrow
Falak  Star Maysarah Left-hand side Suhair, Suhayr Proper name
Fanan  Tree branch or twig Maysun, Maysoon To walk with a proud, swinging gait  Sukainah, Sukaynah Charming, likable
Farah Joy, cheerfulness Mayyadah, Mayyada To walk with a swinging gait Sulafah Choicest
Farhah Lively Mayyasah To walk with a proud gait Sultanah  Sultaness
Farhanah Happy Masahir  Ancient Arabic lute Sumaira, Sumayra Diminutive of Samra'
Faridah, Fareeda Unique, matchless, precious pearl or gem Mina  a place near Makkah Sumaiyah, Sumayyah Name of a lady companion of the Prophet — the first martyr in Islam
Farihah, Fareeha Happy, joyful, cheerful, glad Minnah  Kindness, grace, blessing Sunbul  Spikes of grain
Farizah Arch Mirah  Provisions, supply Sundus  Silk brocade
Fathiyah Beginning Mishael Torch, light Sura, Suraa to travel by night
Fatimah, Fatima Accustom; daughter of the Prophet Mu'azzaz Powerful, strong T  
Fatin or Fatinah Fascinating, captivating, alluring, enchanting Mubin  Clear, obvious Tabassum  Smiling
Fawz Victory or success Mufi'ah Obedient, compliant Taghrid  Singing (as a bird)
Fawzah, Fawza Success Mufidah, Mufeeda Useful, helpful, beneficial Tahani  Congratulations
Fawziyyah, Fawziya, Fazia Successful, victorious Muhibbah  Loving Tahirah, Taahira Pure, chaste
Fayha' Fragrant Muhjah, Muhja Heart's blood, soul Tahiyah  Greeting
Fayruz  Turquoise Muhsinah Charitable, benevolent Tahiyat  Greetings
Fellah  Arabian jasmine Mukarram Honored Taima', Tayma' Oasis in Northwest Arabia
Fida' Redemption Mukhlisah Devoted, faithful Takiyah  Pious, righteous
Fiddah  Silver Mumayyaz Distinguished Talah, Taalah Young palm tree
Fikriyah  Intellectual Mu'minah Pious believer Talibah  Seeker after knowledge
Firdaws, Firdoos Highest garden in Paradise Muna, Mona Wish, desire Tamadur  Brilliant
Firyal  Old Arabic name Munawwar Radiant, illuminated Taqiyah  Heedful of God
Furat  Sweet water Munirah, Muneera Illuminating, brilliant Taqwa, Taqwaa Piety, devoutness, heedfulness of God
Futun  Fascinations Mu'nisah Friendly Tarub  Merry
G   Muntaha The utmost, highest degree Tasnim  Fountain in paradise
Ghadah, Ghaada Beautiful Murjanah Small pearl Tawbah  Repentence
Ghadir  Stream Murshidah Guide Thana', Thanaa' Thankfulness, commendation, praise
Ghaliyah, Ghaaliya  Dear, beloved, fragrant, expensive Muruj Meadows Thara', Tharaa' Wealth
Ghaniyah  Pretty girl, beautiful woman, beauty Mushirah, Musheera Giving counsel, advising Tharwah  Wealth
Gharam  Love Muslimah Devout believer; submitting oneself to God Thawab  Reward
Ghayda', Ghaydaa Young and delicate Musn Rain, clouds Thuraiya, Thurayya Star, constellation Pleiades
Ghazal  Flirt, words of love Musnah Rain, clouds Thuwaibah, Thuwaybah Deserving of God's reward; name of a female companion of the Prophet
Ghazalah  Female gazelle Muyassar Facilitated, wealthy, successful Tibah  Goodness, kindness
Ghufran  Forgiveness, pardon N   Tuba, Tubaa Blessedness, beautitude
Ghunwah or Ghunyah Indispensible Nabihah, Nabeeha Intelligent Tuqa, Tuqaa Heedfulness of God
Ghusun, Ghusoon Branches of a tree Nabilah, Nabeela Noble U  
H   Nada Generousity, dew 'Ubab, 'Ubaab Waves, heavy rain
Habibah, Habeeba Beloved, sweetheart, darling; a wife of the Prophet Nadia The beginning, first 'Uhud Commitment, pledge, delegation
Hadeel  like a dove Nadidah, Nadeeda Equal, rival 'Ula Uppermost, highest
Hadiyah, Haadiya Guide to righteousness, calm Nadirah, Nadira Rare, precious Ulfah  Harmony, intimacy
Hadiyyah  Gift Nadiyah Announcement Umamah  Young mother; name of the Prophet's granddaughter
Hafa  Gentle rain Nadwah, Nadwa Council, generosity Umaymah  Young mother
Hafizah  Heedful, mindful Nafisah, Nafeesa Precious thing, gem Umm Kalthum Name of the Prophet's daughter
Hafsah, Hafsa Wife of the Prophet Naflah Surplus, overabundance Umniyah  a wish, an aspiration
Hafthah  Preserved, protected Nahid One with full, round breasts Usaimah, Usaymah Old Arabic name
Haifa, Hayfa' Slender, of beautiful body Nahidah, Naheeda Big Uwaisah, Uwaysah Bilberry, whortleberry
Hajar  wife of the prophet Ibrahim Nahlah, Nahla A drink of water W  
Hala  Sweetness Na'ilah, Naila Acquirer, obtainer, one who succeeds Wa'd Promise
Halah, Haala Aureole Na'imah, Na'ima Comfort, amenity, tranquility, peace; living a soft, enjoyable life Wadha, Wadhaa Bright
Halimah, Haleema Gentle, patient, mild-tempered Najah, Najaah Success Wadi'ah Calm, peaceable
Hamdiyah  One who praises a lot Najat Safety Wafa', Wafaa' Faithfulness
Hamidah, Hameeda Praiseworthy Najibah, Najeeba Distinguished; of noble birth Wafiqah, Wafeeqa Successful
Hana', Hana Happiness, bliss Najiyah  Safe Wafiyah  Loyal, faithful
Hanan  Mercy; affectionate, loving, tender Najla  Of wide eyes Wahbiyah  Giving
Hani'ah  of happiness, bliss Najmah Star Wahibah  Giver, donor
Hanifah, Hanifa, Haneefa True believer Najwa Confidential talk, romantic talk, secret conversation Wahidah  Exclusive, unique
Hanin  Longing, yearning Najya  Victorious Wajd  Passion, strong emotion
Haniyyah, Haniya Pleased, happy Namar Name of a mountain Wajihah  Eminent, distinguished, notable
Hasibah  Respected, noble Narjis  Narcissus Wala', Walaa' Loyalty
Hasnah, Hasna', Hasna Beautiful Nashida  Student Walidah  Newborn
Hawa', Hawwa Eve Nashita  Energetic, full of life Walladah  Frequently producing, prolific
Hawadah  Pleasant Nashwa  Fragrance, perfume, that which intoxicates Wardah, Wordah Rose
Hawazin  Name of an Arabic tribe Nasiha  One who gives valuable advice Warqa', Warqaa' Pigeon
Hawra' Having eyes with a marked contrast of black and white Nasim  Fresh air, breeze Wasfiyah Depictive
Hayah, Hayat Life Nasira  Victorious, helper Wasimah Pretty, beautiful
Hayam, Hayaam Deliriously in love Nasmah  Breeze Wi'am Harmony, agreement
Hayed  Movement, motion Nasrin  Eglantier Wid  Loving, affectionate
Hayud  a mountain Nathifa  Clean, pure Widad, Widaad Love, friendship
Hazar  Nightingale Nawal  Gift Wifaq  Harmony, consent
Hessa  Destiny Nawar  Flower; one who dislikes bad deeds Wijdan  Ecstacy, sentiment
Hibah  Gift, present Nawrah  Blossom, flower, happiness Wisal, Wisaal Reunion, being together, communion in love
Hibat Allah Gift of God Nawwar  May Wisam, Wisaam Medal, badge of honor
Hidayah  Guidance Nazahah, Nazaaha Purity, righteousness, honesty Wurud  Roses
Hijrah  Migration Nazihah, Nazeeha Honest Y  
Hikmah, Hikmat Wisdom Nazirah, Nazeera  Like, equal, matching Yafiah  High
Hind  Old Arabic name Nibal, Nibaal Arrows Yakootah  Emerald
Hiyam  Love Nibras  Lamp, light Yamha  Dove
Hubab  Aim, goal Nida' Call Yaminah  Right and proper; blessed
Huda, Hooda Right guidance Nihad  Height Yarah  Warm
Hudun  To become quiet Nihal  Drink Yasmin, Yasmeen Jasmine
Hulyah  Jewelry, ornament, finery Ni'mah, Naeema Blessing, loan Yasirah  Lenient
Huma  Bird who brings joy Ni'mat, Nimaat Blessings, loans Yumn  Good fortune, success
Humairah, Humayrah Of reddish complexion; nickname the Prophet gave to his wife 'A'ishah Nisrin  Kind of aromatic plant Yumnah, Yumna Right side
Hunaidah, Hunaydah Diminutive of Hind Niyaf  Tall and pretty Yusra, Yusraa Most prosperous
Hur  Virgins of paradise Noor, Nur Light Yusriyah  Most prosperous
Huriyah, Huriyyah, Hooriya Angel; a Houri, virgin of paradise Nouf  Highest point on a mountain Z  
Husn  Beauty Nudar, Nudhar Gold Zafirah, Zaafirah Victorious, successful
Husna  Most beautiful Nuha  Intelligence Zahidah  Ascetic, abstentious
Husniyah  Beautiful Nujud, Nojood  Noble, wise Zahirah  Shining, luminous
Hutun  Clouds with rain Nu'ma Beautiful and pleasant; happiness Zahra', Zahraa' White
Huwaidah, Huwaydah Gentle Nunah Dimple in the chin Zahrah  Flower, beauty, star
I   Nurah, Noorah Corolla, blossom Zahwah  Beauty, pretty
Iba'  Pride, sense Nur al Huda Light of the faith Zain, Zayn Beauty
'Ibadah Worship Nuriyah Radiant, brilliant Zainab, Zaynab an ornamented tree; name of the daughter of the Prophet
Ibtihaj, Ibtihaaj  Joy, delight Nusaibah, Nusaybah Old Arabic name Zakiyah  Pure
Ibtihal Supplication, prayer Nuwairah, Nuwayrah Small fire Zanubiya  Name of a great Syrian queen
Ibtisam Smiling Nuwwar Blossoms, flowers Zaynah, Zaina Beautiful
'Idhar Fluff Nuwwarrah Blossom, flower Zinah, Zinat Adornment, ornamentation
Iffah, 'Iffat Chaste Nuzhah Pleasure trip, promenade Zubaidah  Excellent; name of the wife of Caliph Harun Al Rashid
Iftikar  Thought, contemplation Q   Zuha, Zuhaa Adornment
Iftikhar  Pride, glory Qadr Fate, destiny Zuhrah  Brightness
I'jaz Inimitability of the Qur'an Qadriyah to believe in God's will Zuhur  to flower, to blossom, to glow
    Qamar Full moon Zumurrud  Emerald


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