Representative Office of Abkhazia in Tiraspol, Transnistria Phone Number, Address And Location
Get information about Representative Office of Abkhazia in Tiraspol, Transnistria we have given here the phone number, address, working hours and location of Abkhazian Representative Office. The location map is given which shows the Abkhazian embassy location, this will help you to visit the embassy if you are coming out of area. The table below provides the information about phone number, the operational hours, and official website of the embassy. Some of the common consular services provided to the citizens of Tiraspol includes visa renewal service, consular appointments, passport authentication, reporting lost/stolen passport, review of cases and many more.
Abkhazian Representative Office in Tiraspol, Transnistria Information Table
Address |
Tiraspol, Transnistria |
Contact Information |
Phone Number |
(+373) 533 555 64 |
Fax Number |
(+373) 777 108 17 |
E-mail Address | |
Official Website |
un-known |
Operational Hours |
Un-Known |