10 Facts about Islam - Fast Interesting & Short Facts of Islam
10 Facts about Islam, read complete information and gather facts about Islam, 10 facts on Islam for people searching Islamic facts in detail. 10 facts about Islam, the facts in Islam which are regarding faith and creed of Islam. These facts of Islam may help you to understand the foundations of Islam on which Islam is based on, with short and fast description. So let’s start understanding Islam with its basics.
Prophet Muhammad SAWW is known to be the founder of Islam, however, according to Islamic culture and belief, Prophet Muhammad is the last Messanger of Allah in the series of Prophets came before him inviting towards Islam, the religion given to men by Allah SWT.
Quran and the Sunnah (Traditions of Prophet) are considered to be the sources of Islam to understand Islam and the commands of Allah SWT.
Human Nature Define by Islam
Born in a state of purity, imperfect yet capable of seeking God and doing good (see Islamic Beliefs about Human Nature)
Purpose of life in Islam
Submit to the will of Allah and attain paradise after death is a basic purpose of life. All the action made by a Muslim should have this purpose in consideration
How Muslim Should Live
Follow the Qur'an, Hadith and Five Pillars of Islam
Islamic View about Afterlife
Resurrection of body and soul followed by eternal paradise or hell in accordance with the actions and creed of this life.
Symbols which are Known to be Islamic
Crescent moon and star (see Islamic Symbols) are known to be Islamic Symbols; however, most of the scholars do not inline Islam with any symbol.
Major holidays in Islam
Ramadan - the month long in which Muslims do fasting from sunrise to sunset.
Eid al-Fitr - Festival of Breaking the Fast after a long month of Ramadan.
Hijra - week long; begins 1 Muharram or the start of the Islamic Calendar year.
Eid al-Adha - Festival of Sacrifice, in which Muslims sacrifices the animals for Allah and distributes them in poor and relatives.
Five Pillars of Islamic Faith or Basic Islamic Foundation
Confession of faith (shahada)
Daily prayer (salat)
Alms tax (zakat)
Pilgrimage to Mecca (hajj)
Fasting during Ramadan (sawm)
Twelve Imams According to Shia Sect
Ali Zayn al-Abidin
Muhammad al-Baqir
Ja'far al-Sadiq
Musa al-Kazim
Ali al-Rida
Muhammad al-Taqi
Ali al-Naqi
al-Hasan al-Askari
Muhammad al-Mahdi