The Fundamental Advice for Pilgrims (HUJJAJ)

Hajj Guide by Editorial Staff (May 26, 09:41 PM)

Dear brothers and sisters in Islam, first and the for most advice for you is regarding submissions toward Allah Subhana Wa Ta’ala. The pilgrim must have in mind that s(he) going to perform hajj just because to fulfill one of the commands of Allah following the method of His Rasool SAAW. In short, haji must fear his/her Creator being obedient to Him.

Consequently s(he) must beware from the deeds and things that are forbidden in Islam and do not let down any command that is obligatory from thy Lord. As Allah says in Holy Quran,

For Hajj are the months well-known. If anyone undertaken that duty therein, let there be neither obscenity nor wrangling in the Hajj. [Noble Quran 2:197]

And there is reward from the creator of showing obedience while performing Hajj in Hajj Days i.e. reward of being sinless as child, which is proven from the Hadees of Prophet Muhammad Rasool Allah SAAW. Rasool Allah SAAW said,

“He who performs Hajj and does not speak obscenely or commit evil then he returns from his sins just as the day his mother gave birth to him”

So my dear brothers and sisters, don’t you like to be sinless by getting the reward of thy Lord by just showing obedience during the Hajj? Don’t you want you get guaranteed forgiveness from thy Lord by just staying away from some tiny and big sins during hajj such as hurting any brother or sister by words or physically, harming any living being, staying away from intercourse even with spouses etc.

So let be verify the faith in heart and finalize not to do any tiny sin or lose any single obligation by the Lord of Universe, which are in the word of Prophet SAAW “The accepted Hajj - there is no less a reward for it than Paradise…”

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